Details for Phage Hudslayer
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Detailed Information for Phage Hudslayer
Discovery Information
Found ByFaranak Hamedooni and Mayuriben Patel
Year Found2014
Location FoundHudson, NH United States
Finding InstitutionUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore County
ProgramScience Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science
From enriched soil sample?Yes
GPS Coordinates42.77 N, 71.37 W Map
Discovery NotesFound in dry soil, under approximately 2-3 inches of grass in a garden near the Hudson Town Forest. Soil sample was collected on a sunny and humid day, at 65F.
Naming NotesThe first part of the name refers to Hudson, the phage's discovery location, and the second part is the phage's ability to slay its host.
Sequencing Information
Sequencing Complete?Yes
Date Sequencing CompletedJan 17, 2015
Sequencing FacilityPittsburgh Bacteriophage Institute
Shotgun Sequencing MethodIllumina Sequencing
Approximate Shotgun Coverage89
Genome length (bp)162449
GC Content37.9%
Character of genome endsDirect Terminal Repeat
Direct Terminal Repeat Length2376 bp
End Determination NotesBuildups of reads around double coverage region. Identified using PAUSE.
Fasta file available?Yes: Download fasta file
Other Cluster Members
Plaque NotesRound, semi-big and clear plaques with fuzzy edges. Average diameter of approximately 1 mm.
Final annotation complete?No
Has been Phamerated?No
Uploaded to GenBank?No
Available Files
Plaque PictureDownload
Restriction Digest PictureDownload
EM PictureDownload